Thursday 21 May 2015

Recent art
I've been drawing quite a lot recently so I thought I'd share a few pictures I've recently finished.
  I'd love to know what you think and am always open the art tips and constructive criticism. :)

Thursday 7 May 2015

Fili Sketch
So I know I haven't been posting much lately but I've been quite busy. I'm going to try posting a lot more regularly now but the posts will probably be more artwork I've been working on instead of art/craft tutorials which take a lot longer to make and I don't really have time for at the present.
This is just a sketch I'm working on of the dwarf Fili from the Hobbit movies. It's still a work it progress but I thought I post it anyway and see what you guys thought of it so far.  :)

Monday 2 February 2015


Art tutorial/step by step/thing

Ok so someone on the internet was asking me what paint program I used for the picture of Rose and the Doctor I drew and how I managed to do it without a tablet so I decided to make a step by step/tutorial/small guide to how I use paint.NET and what process go through when I'm creating pictures like the Rose and Doctor one I posted earlier. I'm not a professional and haven't been using it very long and there are probably other people who know how to use it better but this is just what I've figured out works for me at the moment. I think most people use Photoshop for their art but I use paint.NET because it's free. You can download load it free from this site 
The picture I am working with is one I started a few years ago of awesome character Liz Ten from the Doctor Who episode "The Beast Below".


I started out by drawing this picture by hand then inked it in with an ink pen. I don't have a tablet or any sort of touchscreen device to do my art on so I have to paint everything with my mouse. This makes it quite hard to draw steady lines so I have to had draw the outlines first using an ink pen then scan them in before I start colouring the picture. Hopefully I will be able to save up and buy a tablet soon so I can draw my outlines properly. :)

So I've just opened my scanned in picture. At the moment there is only one layer.


Select the tool called "Magic Wand". When you click an area it will select all the space inside the lines.   

The selected area will turn pale blue (and will probably have dotted lines around it depending on what version you have). It the picture below you will see white parts. These parts haven't been selected because the "magic wand" works kind of like the standard "paint bucket" tool in the way that in won't flow into parts that are completely sectioned off with lines. (sorry if that's confusing)


Hit "delete" on your keyboard and the selected section will disappear. (the checked pattern represents transparency). If you notice the parts that didn't get selected earlier haven't become transparent.


Select the still white parts with the "magic wand" and delete them as well. The picture below is now completely transparent except for the black lines.

Add a second layer then move it down below the original layer. 

I have changed the names of the layers to make them make more sense. The layer "the background" is solid white and the layer "black lines" is completely transparent apart from the black lines (since this layer is transparent you can see the white from "the background" showing through)

I have added and third layer called "colour. It is below the "black lines" but above "the background". This layer will be used for colouring in your picture. As I colour, I sometimes usually different layers for different pieces of clothing but I won't go into that during this tutorial.
The reason I use this method is because now when I colour the picture I won't be able to accidently  colour straight over the lines because they are on a completely different layer! 

So basically I just colour in the who picture now. You can do it all on one layer or create different layers for each piece of clothing if you think it will be easier. Here I have coloured the front part of the cape.

I have coloured the inside part of the cape a darker red and coloured and shaded the skin. For the shading I just used a slightly darker shade than the skin. (her face isn't coloured yet because she is wearing a full face mask) 
I'm sure if I'm glad that I chose to draw her wearing her mask or not.  
Ok so when you've finished colouring the character select the layer "the background" which is plain white. Now it's up to you how you decorate the background. It can e as complex or simple as you want. For most of my character pictures I try to keep it simple and just use a coloured oval then add some details.
 An finally the finished product! This took about three days to finish.
Sorry if I missed anything out. Please feel free to ask any questions.  :)

Thursday 29 January 2015


Recent Art

I've been drawing a lot recently and I thought I would post a picture of one piece of fan art I'm particularly proud of. The characters are Rose Tyler and the 10th Doctor from the popular BBC TV show Doctor Who and the scene is from the episode called "The Idiot's Lantern" in season 2.
For this picture I started with a sketch I had drawn and then inked in the outline with an ink pen. After inking it in I scanned the picture into my computer and coloured it using a paint program that you can download free from the internet. Sadly, I don't have a tablet (which is the reason I inked in the outline before scanning the picture) so I had to colour the picture using a mouse.
Anyway I hope you enjoy!   :)

Saturday 10 January 2015


 Crafty Christmas

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. The weeks before Christmas were quite busy for me since I had set my self the task of making Christmas presents for all my sisters and cousins as well as making a gingerbread AT-AT walker. I have posted pictures of some of the presents I am proud of and of course the ginger bread AT-AT.
 Left: Dinosaur Rider. The idea of this project was to create a toy just like a "hobby horse" or "stick horse" but with a dinosaur head instead of a horse one. I made the pattern my self and used a pole that I found in my garage as the stick. I hope to post a tutorial/ step by step photos, of how I made the dinosaur rider, sometime in the future. Right: Pull apart snowman. My 2 year old cousin that I made this for is obsessed with the Disney movie "Frozen" so I decided to make her a snowman toy similar to Olaf. The head, two body snowballs, feet and carrot are all separate pieces that are joined together with Velcro so they can be pulled apart and rebuilt like a real snowman. I also made the pattern for this toy myself and hope to eventually post a tutorial for this as well.
 I made Fimo necklace pendants for some of my cousins and sisters. These are two of my favourites.
Left: Yoda Necklace. I made this necklace for my sister who loves Star Wars. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. Right: Cupcake necklace. After I made baked this necklace I painted "Mod Podge Gloss" over it to create shine and make is look more professional.
  My sister and I have created a sort of tradition where instead of making a normal gingerbread house we make a gingerbread creation from a tv show or movie we love. Last year we made a TARDIS from Doctor Who so this year we decided to take up the challenge of making an AT-AT Walker from Star Wars. The most difficult part to making it was the fact that I had to make all the patterns for the gingerbread pieces myself and it took quite a while to figure out how to fit them all together. I hope to post more about the construction of this AT-AT in another blog post and even upload the patterns (if I can find them) so you can make one yourself!  :)

Tuesday 6 January 2015


So I've not being posting for a while....

I'm on holiday at the moment so I haven't been posting for a while. I haven't forgotten about this blog I have just been too busy recently. I will start posting proper tutorials and stuff again soon but for the moment here are a few pieces of art I recently finished.
I used and HB pencil and Faber-Castell colour pencils for all three. 

Tuesday 11 November 2014


Fimo Doughnut  Man

(fimo is just the brand of polymer clay I like to use but any should work)
This started out as a doughnut but then I decided it might look cute with eyes and then it kind of turned into a little doughnut man. I gave a few tips about using fimo in my previous Fimo Police Box Pendant tutorial.
 Equipment: The only thing I used apart from fimo and my fingers
For this project I used  mostly brown (for the doughnut) and pink (for the icing)
I also used green, blue and yellow for the sprinkles and white and black for the eyes.


 The doughnut base.

 Step 1: Roll the brown into a tube shape.

Step 2: Make it into a ring shape.

Step 3:  Role the join together. While doing this I tend to squish the doughnut in a bit to make it thicker.


The icing.

 Step 4: Squish the pink fimo flat.

Step 5 : First cut a hole ,a bit smaller than your doughnuts hole, out of the middle of the flattened pink fimo. Then cut a wiggly line around the hole. This will make the icing look like it is dripping down the doughnut. (I used a pin for cutting the icing)

Step 6: put the icing onto the doughnut base. Press it down in the centre and on the sides.

Step 7: Use little flecks of the green, blue and yellow fimo to make sprinkles.

If you only want to make a doughnut this is the end of the tutorial for you! Hope you liked it! :)
 If you want to make your doughnut into a doughnut man please continue on.
Step 8: Roll two small balls of white fimo and flatten them onto your doughnut where you want its
eyes to go.


Step 9: make smaller balls out of black fimo and flatten them on top of the white ones.

Step 10: ARMS roll two short sausage shapes out of brown fimo. Press them onto the edges of your doughnut to attach and bend them in what ever direction you want.

Step 11: FEET. Roll two tear drop shapes out of fimo then flatten the bottom of the tear drop. Attach the same way as the arms.
THE END!!!!!
So I was really pleased with how my doughnut turned out so once he was finished baking I went to show everyone... and promptly dropped my fimo doughnut on the ground so here is...... 
A SHORT WARNING:If dropped on the floor your doughnut man can and will break.
Thanks for reading. Have a great day! :D